Google Keyword Planner vs SEMrush! Uncover The Benefits


Which tool is better, Google Keyword Planner vs Semrush? This is a question I get asked all the time.

As we know, Google has become the most used search engine globally, overtaking the once-popular Bing search engine. Although the former still holds its position as the leading search engine, the latter has been gaining traction over the past few years.

Nowadays, more and more people are using Semrush and other similar tools to find out how their keyword is ranking. These tools will help you determine which keywords are currently being searched for by Google and what the competition is like.

We will compare and contrast Google’s Keyword Planner against the power of SEMrush tools and find out why you should use each of them in keyword research.

Introduction: What Is Google Keyword Planner & SEMrush ?

Google Keyword Planner is a free web tool that helps users discover and research new keywords for their websites or blogs. It is also used to find the most relevant and highest-traffic keywords for advertisers.

On the other hand, SEMrush is a paid keyword research tool used by entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes. It is designed to help companies to improve their organic traffic and establish themselves as leaders in their industry.

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  • Google Keyword Planner vs SEMrush
  • Google Keyword Planner vs SEMrush
  • Google Keyword Planner vs SEMrush

It provides users with monthly search volume and competition for specific keywords. This makes it an excellent resource for website owners looking to establish themselves online.

In terms of features, SEMrush keyword planner is the clear winner regarding Google Keyword Planner. It offers more custom keyword rank tracking, real-time search terms data, and keyword research tools such as Keyword Difficulty and Traffic Estimator.

Differences Between Google Keyword Planner & SEMrush

Google Keyword PlannerSEMrush
Google Keyword Planner is a user-friendly web tool that can be accessed on any device. It offers free data on over 200 countries and regions, as well as a variety of keyword research features.

It also supports long-tail keywords and multi-country use. With Google Keyword Planner, you can analyze your target market in great detail. However, it does not have any paid features.
SEMrush is designed for businesses of all sizes. It provides real-time data on search volumes, as well as keyword research for more than 190 countries. SEMrush also has a robust tracking feature that monitors your website’s performance over time.
Google Keyword Planner is the clear winner when it comes to user-friendliness. It is available on any device and offers free data in over 200 countries. It also has various features, including keyword research tools and long-tail keywords.However, SEMrush is the clear winner when it comes to business size. It provides real-time data on search volumes and keyword research for more than 190 countries.

Similarities Between Google Keyword Planner & SEMrush

Both Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush provide users with keyword research tools. These tools help identify the right list of keywords for advertisers or website owners.

Both tools also offer a variety of other features, including keyword tracking and real-time data. However, SEMrush offers more custom keyword tracking, real-time search terms data, and keyword research tools such as Keyword Density and Traffic Estimator.

What Advantages Does SEMrush Have Over Google Keyword Planner?

When it comes to SEO, keyword research is essential. Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush are great tools for keyword research, but which one should you choose?

When comparing the two, SEMrush has a few advantages over Google Keyword Planner. The first advantage is its comprehensive keyword research capabilities.

With SEMrush, you can search for short-tail and long-tail keywords and discover related keywords and phrases that can help you expand your keyword list.

In addition, SEMrush analyzes each keyword’s search volume, competition level, and Cost Per Click (CPC) rate. This allows you to identify the best keywords to target and optimize your content accordingly.

  • Google Keyword Planner Vs SEMrush
  • Google Keyword Planner Vs SEMrush

Another benefit of SEMrush is its ability to monitor keyword rankings. This feature allows you to track your website’s or blog posts’ performance over time by monitoring keyword rankings on different search engines.

This can be an invaluable tool for tracking the effectiveness of your SEO efforts and making adjustments as needed. Additionally, SEMrush offers detailed reports and graphs that give you an insight into your keywords, so you can quickly identify areas for improvement.

Finally, SEMrush offers a range of features and tools not available in Google Keyword Planner. For example, SEMrush can help you find out who links to your website and identify competitors and their keyword strategies. All of these features can help you create more effective SEO campaigns.

  • Google Keyword Planner Vs SEMrush
  • Google Keyword Planner Vs SEMrush
  • Google Keyword Planner Vs SEMrush

Overall, SEMrush has many advantages over Google Keyword Planner and is an essential tool for any SEO strategy. With its comprehensive keyword research capabilities, ability to monitor keyword rankings, and additional features and tools, it’s easy to see why SEMrush is the preferred choice for many SEO professionals.

Which One Is More Accurate: SEMrush vs Google Keyword Planner?

When it comes to choosing the right keyword research tool, accuracy is paramount. This section will compare two of the most popular tools: Google’s Keyword Planner and SEMrush keyword planner. By looking at the pros and cons of each, you can figure out which is best suited to your needs.

Google Keyword Planner is a complementary tool offered by Google Ads. It provides users with average search volumes for keywords and other metrics such as competition levels and suggested bid prices.

It also offers an extensive range of keyword ideas. However, due to its reliance on Google’s own data, it can be limited in terms of accuracy.

SEMrush, on the other hand, is a paid tool that provides more detailed and accurate keyword data. It collects data from various sources, including Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Amazon.

This makes it more reliable than the Keyword Planner, as it can provide users with a more comprehensive view of the search landscape. It also offers additional features such as competitor analysis and keyword difficulty scores.

Overall, SEMrush is the more accurate tool, providing users access to broader, more up-to-date data. However, it does come with a cost, and not everyone may be able to afford it.

Google Keyword Planner is an excellent option for those on a budget, but its accuracy may be limited. Ultimately, it’s you to decide which tool suits your needs.

Google Keyword Planner vs. Keyword Magic Tool

Google Keyword Planner vs. Keyword Magic Tool is a debate that has been going on for quite some time now. Both of these tools are great for keyword research and have pros and cons.

Google Keyword Planner is complimentary, while SEMrush offers a more comprehensive package with its Keyword Magic Tool. Let’s take a closer look at the differences between the two.

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool for researching keywords for your search campaigns. It provides data on the number of searches for the given keyword and the cost of targeting them. However, it does not offer additional features like backlink auditing, traffic analysis, or detailed reports.

On the other hand, SEMrush’s Keyword Magic Tool is a comprehensive SEO package that includes backlink auditing, traffic analysis, and detailed reports as we have seen above. It also has the advantage of being more accurate than Google Keyword Planner. The cheapest package for SEMrush starts at nearly $100/month.

When it comes to features, SEMrush is the clear winner. It provides more than just keyword research, and its accuracy is much better than that of Google Keyword Planner. However, if you’re looking for a tool to find new keywords to rank for, Google KP should be your go-to, as it is free.

Ultimately, deciding which tool to use will depend on your needs. Suppose you are looking for a more comprehensive SEO tool package with a higher accuracy rate. In that case, SEMrush is the way to go. Conversely, if you’re looking for new keywords to rank for, then Google Keyword Planner is the best option.

The Pros of Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a powerful and free tool that can help you with your SEO and advertising efforts. It’s 100% free and offers a great starting point for finding your business’s keywords. You can look up individual search terms or enter a website address to see keywords.

Google Keyword Planner is particularly useful for advertisers. It integrates seamlessly with Google Ads and can help you set an adequate budget for your campaigns.

The tool also allows you to see the performance forecasts for different keyword suggestions based on your budget and average bid prices, so you can maximize your ROI (Return On Investment).

In conclusion, Google Keyword Planner is a great free option starting with a low marketing budget. It has many features and benefits, making it one of the most valuable tools for keyword research on any topic.

The Cons of Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a powerful tool to help marketers make better decisions for SEO and PPC campaigns. While it is one of the most-used keyword research tools, some limitations come with it, which should be considered.

The most common criticism of Google Keyword Planner is that average monthly search volume data is less accurate than many expect it to be due to using rounded averages. Additionally, users may need to be made aware of how to unlock certain pieces of data or how to do specific things, leading to frustration.

Fortunately, advanced users can find specific average monthly search volumes without running Google Ads and using negative keywords to their advantage.

SE Ranking’s Keyword Magic Tool is an effective alternative to Google Keyword Planner for those looking for an even more comprehensive keyword research tool. It offers more comparative metrics and deeper competitive data, making storing and analyzing data more manageable.

When choosing the right keyword research tool, it is essential to consider the pros and cons of each one. By understanding the limitations of Google Keyword Planner, marketers can decide which tool is best for their needs.

Pricing Google Keyword Planner vs. SEMrush

SEMrush is a paid service with distinct “tiers” dependent on your requirements. Pro, Guru, and Business plans are available, each providing more functionality and an increased user count. The cost for this ranges from $120 to $450 per month. It may be costly. However, if SEO is an essential component of your business, it will more than compensate for the money you save.

Google keyword planner vs semrush
Google Keyword Planner vs SEMrush! Uncover The Benefits 13

Google Keyword Planner is a free and easy-to-use tool for analyzing and organizing keywords. It helps you uncover new keywords, audit existing ones, and plan for the future. This is if you’re looking for a straightforward and accessible platform to manage your keyword strategy.

SEMrush’s keyword tools are more sophisticated than Google’s Keyword Planner. It provides advanced competitive data and is easier to store and analyze. If you need to do keyword research for organic SEO instead of Adwords, then SEMrush is a great tool to use.

Deciding between SEMrush and Google Keyword Planner comes down to what you need. If you’re dedicated to SEO planning and optimizing, SEMrush is best. Go with the Google Keyword Planner for simple, free keyword strategizing or a Google Ads campaign.

Google Keyword Planner vs SEMrush Verdict

The verdict between Google Keyword Planner vs. SEMrush is in! Both tools have advantages and disadvantages, so it depends on the research you need to do.

Google Keyword Planner is an excellent option for finding new, related keywords and seeing estimates of the searches and the cost to target them. It’s free, and its accuracy is undeniable, thanks to the data from Google’s servers.

However, it only serves one purpose – keyword research. And while it does that one job exceptionally well, it won’t provide any other information such as traffic analysis, backlink breakdowns, or website reports.

SEMrush, on the other hand, is a complete SEO package with many features. It provides backlink analysis, keyword research, traffic evaluations, and more.

Its accuracy can be questionable, but its features far outway the potential inaccuracy. The subscription fee may seem high at $99/month, but it may be worth it if you’re looking for detailed and comprehensive data to help your business succeed.

Ultimately, it all depends on what kind of data you need to make decisions for your business. The free Google Keyword Planner will be sufficient if you’re looking for just keyword research. But if you want a full suite of analyses and reports, then SEMrush’s price tag might be worth it.

Suggested Read: Why Is Semrush So Expensive?

Is Semrush better than Google keyword Planner?

Semrush is a better tool than Google keyword planner according to some experts. They say that Semrush offers greater flexibility allows for more creative search results and has a more user-friendly interface.

Is Google Keyword Planner good for SEO?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the effectiveness of keyword planner programs will vary depending on the specific needs of a business. However, many experts believe that keyword planner software can be an effective way to improve your SEO efforts.

What’s better than Semrush?

There are plenty of online tools that offer great value, but Semrush is one of the best. It offers a wide range of features and an easy-to-use platform, which makes it an ideal option for business owners.

is google keyword planner accurate?

The accuracy of its predictions is dependent on the quality of the data entered into the tool. For most users, this tool has proved to be quite reliable and accurate in terms of predicting search volumes and keyword competition levels.

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