How to find low hanging fruit keywords


Are you just getting started with SEO and need help knowing where to begin? Finding the right keywords for your website can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be.

One of the best ways to find valuable search terms is by using low-hanging fruit keywords, which are often easier to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) with relatively little effort.

We’ll talk about the importance of low-hanging fruit keywords in SEO, different ways to find them, and how to use them to attract more organic traffic.

By the end of this article, you’ll better understand how to find low hanging fruit keywords and use them to optimize your content.

So let’s dive right in! 

What Are Low-Hanging Fruits Keywords?

When it comes to SEO, “low-hanging fruit” keywords are terms that have relatively low competition and high search volume. This makes them easier to rank for on SERPs with a limited amount of effort.

These keywords can be long-tail (three or more words) or specific phrases related to your business or product.

For example, A business selling baby products may target the keywords “baby bathtub” or “organic baby food.” These key phrases have relatively low competition and high search volume, making them great candidates for ranking higher in SERPs.

Similarly, a travel website may target the keywords “eco-friendly vacation destinations” or “budget-friendly travel tips,” which are great low-hanging fruit keywords that can bring a lot of organic traffic to the website.

Benefits of targeting low-hanging fruit keywords

Targeting low-hanging fruit keywords can be incredibly beneficial for businesses and website owners.

For one, they are often easier to rank higher in search engine results pages compared to more competitive keywords.

This means you have the potential to reach a wider audience with your content, as these keywords usually come up in more searches than more general terms.

Another benefit of targeting low-hanging fruit keywords is that they usually have a lower click-through rate (CTR), which means more people will actually click on your website after seeing it on the search engine results page.

This can be great for boosting your site’s visibility and helping you generate more organic traffic.

Finally, targeting low-hanging fruit keywords can help you create more targeted content for specific pages on your website.

By focusing on these keywords, you can provide readers valuable information and ensure they are directed to the page most relevant to their search query.

As you see, the benefits of targeting low-hanging keywords. Now let’s see in detail how to find low-hanging fruit keywords for you.

How to Find the Best Low-Hanging Fruit Keyword?

Most marketers spend hours and energy trying to create content that resonates with their target audience. But there’s a more thoughtful approach: finding low-hanging fruit (LHF) keywords.

Doing your research beforehand ensures you’re targeting the right keywords for your blog post.

Here’s how you can find the best LHF keywords for your blog:

Start by getting an overall understanding of who your target audience is, what kind of topics they’re interested in, and what needs they have that needs addressing.

Determining Your Target Audience and Their Needs

“A well-defined target audience is your first step towards success in any online marketing campaign.” Knowing who you’re targeting before crafting your blog post can make all the difference in finding those low-hanging fruits.

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide for determining your target audience and their needs with examples:

Audience Persona:

Start by creating an “Audience Persona,” which includes basic demographic information about the people most likely to engage with your content (age, gender, interests, etc.).

For example, you’re targeting millennials interested in tech gadgets and home automation products. In that case, they should be between 25 and 35 years old.


Identify the primary need or problem that this audience has that your content should address.

For example

  • The immediate need of millennial tech geeks may be to stay updated on the latest trends in home automation technology and how they can benefit from them.

Break down this primary need into more specific needs/problems that you can tackle in separate blog posts or topics within a single post.

For example, some particular issues include:

  • Understanding different types of home automation technologies.
  • Figuring out how to choose the best home automation products.
  • Learning how to install them correctly.
  • Discovering ways to save money when purchasing smart devices.

Research Keywords

Research keywords related to each need/problem – look at related searches on Google, popular questions among the topic, relevant products/services, etc.

This will help you better understand how potential readers search for answers to their problems online.

For example, researching “best home automation products” might turn up other practical search terms like

  • Automated lighting system.
  • Smart thermostat.
  • Voice-controlled appliances. 

Now you have an idea about your audience and know what keywords to target for your audience.

Let’s discuss the next step.

Brainstorming Keyword Ideas and Analyzing Trends

It’s important to brainstorm different keywords relevant to your topic and analyze how much interest there is in them online.

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide for brainstorming keyword ideas and analyzing trends with examples:

Step one

  • Start by writing down all the words or phrases that come to mind when thinking about your topic.
  • For example, suppose you’re targeting millennials interested in home automation technology.
  • In that case, some valuable keywords might be “smart homes,” “home automation systems,” “connected appliances,” etc.

Step Two

  • Use keyword tools such as SEMrush or Surfer SEO Keyword Explorer to identify more specific keywords related to your topic.
  • For example, searching for “smart home” may give you creative variations such as “google smart home bundle with a camera,” “alloy smart home,” or “carter smart funeral home.”
how to Find low handing  fruit keywords
How to find low hanging fruit keywords 5

Step Three

Analyze the trend data from Google Trends or buzzSummo so that you know which topics within your niche are rising in popularity and declining over time.

Step Four

  • Make sure to also identify seasonal trends – specific topics may be trending during certain times of the year (e.g., Christmas or Black Friday).
  • For example, researching data on “smart security cameras” might reveal that they become increasingly popular around the end of November when people start getting ready for winter break trips, making it an excellent opportunity for blog posts around this subject matter during this period.

That is how you can research your low-hanging keyword in your niche. However, the journey still continues.

Here I am recommending some tools to help you find the best low-hanging keywords; then, we will also discuss some more options to find these types of keywords.

Search intent tools to find low-competition/high-traffic keywords

Google Adwords: Start by using essential keyword research tools such as Google Adwords, which can give you an idea of keywords. With Google Adwords, you can look up search volumes and trends for any given keyword and get an idea of the estimated number of searches it receives and the traffic it brings to your website if optimized correctly.

SEMrush: SEMrush allows users to find related keywords based on their search volume data and also provides insights into competitors’ keyword strategies by analyzing their organic rankings for different terms in search engine results.

Moz Keyword Explorer: With this tool, you can identify potential topics with detailed keyword research data from multiple sources, including Moz itself, Google Adwords, and Bing Ads. It also offers features such as automatic keyword grouping, which helps find related terms quickly and easily. This service is great for getting ideas on long tail keywords that are related to a specific topic or phrase – it provides user queries in the form of questions, prepositions, and comparisons, which can be used to narrow down the list of relevant keywords further based on their relevance to the subject matter at hand.

Ahrefs or KWFinder: To check how many competing pages rank for each keyword in the SERPs (search engine result pages). This will help you identify potentially lucrative topics and phrases with lower competition levels where your content has a better chance of getting noticed and ranking higher in searches related to those terms.

Rank Math: Rank Math SEO plugin, install and activate the plugin on your WordPress website. Go to the Keywords tab, enter your target keyword, and wait, you will get the Top 5 Winning Keywords of your website.

The plugin generates a list of winning keywords with ranking metrics. Target keywords with high search volume and low competition or say low hanging keywords by using them in your website’s content, meta tags, and other on-page elements.

This helps to improve your website’s search engine ranking and drive more organic traffic.

These keyword research tools will help you to find relevant keywords.

Now let’s look at the other methods to research these keywords.

How to use SERP features to identify high-traffic keywords

Search engine result pages (SERPs) are a great way to uncover high-traffic keywords related to any given topic.

By leveraging SERP features such as featured snippets, Google Ads, and organic search results, you can find potential long-tail keywords with lower competition levels but still plenty of traffic potential.

Here are some tips for using SERP features to identify these types of keywords:

Look for Featured Snippets: Google’s featured snippets summarize the most relevant information from a web page and display it at the top of the search results page to provide users with fast answers to their queries – use this feature to unearth long tail keywords with lower competition levels but still relevant for your target audience.

How to find low hanging fruit keywords

Analyze Adwords & Organic Results: Check out what terms and phrases competitors are using in their ad campaigns as well as organic listings – this provides insights into how they are optimizing pages for specific terms, which can lead you to other related topics that have lower competition levels yet plenty of traffic potential

Utilize Auto-Complete Suggestions: When typing out a query in the search bar, note down all auto-complete suggestions provided by Google – these offer an indication of what people are searching for on their topic of interest and also point towards potential long tail keywords, which could bring more targeted traffic if used correctly. 

How to find low hanging fruit keywords

Getting Keyword Ideas from Competitor Websites

To get even more keyword ideas from competitor websites, you can use a few simple steps:

  • Start by doing a search in Google for your desired topic and take note of the top-ranking pages – this will give you an indication of what terms and phrases competitors are optimizing their sites for;
  • Visit each page and take note of key elements such as title tags, meta descriptions, content headlines, etc., which often include important keywords for that particular page;
  • Analyze the engagement on those pages to find out which topics drive more clicks or generate more shares – these can also be used as potential long-tail keywords;
  • Utilize backlink analysis tools such as Ahrefs and Majestic to examine what other backlinks competitors have pointed to their pages – this gives you an indication of additional related topics that could bring more traffic.

You have learned many ways to find the right keywords, but you will be successful only when you use these keywords appropriately.

Here are some tips that will help you optimize your content with the help of your low-hanging fruit SEO keywords.

How To Optimize Website Content And Meta Tags?

Once you’ve identified the low-hanging fruit keywords that you want to target, optimizing your website content and meta tags for them is time. Here are some tips on how to do that:

1. Insert relevant keywords throughout your content – incorporate these words into titles, headings, subheadings, body copy, and image ALT tags to ensure maximum SEO visibility;

2. Optimize meta titles and descriptions – make sure that your page title includes the keyword you’re targeting (as close to the front as possible) and also include a concise description of what the page is about;

3. Use relevant outbound links – link out to other high-quality websites within your content to provide additional context and improve user experience;

4. Utilize structured data – this is a way of providing Google with extra information about your website so it can better understand the content you’re producing;

5. Optimize for mobile devices – make sure that your website is optimized for mobile devices as more people are using their phones to search online;

By following these steps, you can ensure that your low-hanging fruit keywords are appropriately optimized and help boost your site’s visibility in search engine results pages.

Now let’s have a look at the different ways to track your optimization work

Track and measure the success of your low-hanging fruit keyword optimization efforts

Once you’ve implemented your low-hanging fruit keyword optimization strategy, it’s essential to track and measure the success of your efforts. Here are some ways to do that:

1. Monitor organic search traffic – use Google Analytics or similar platforms to track organic traffic over time, paying close attention to any increases or decreases;

2. Track keyword rankings – use a keyword tracking tool such as SEMrush or Ahrefs to monitor your website’s positions in search engine results pages;

3. Analyze user engagement – measure how users interact with your content by keeping track of time on page, bounce rate, and other metrics;

4. Monitor backlinks – keep an eye on the number of new backlinks to your website as this can indicate increased visibility;

5. Monitor website crawl rate – if your keyword optimization efforts are successful, Google should be crawling and indexing your pages more frequently;

6. Monitor conversions – measure any increases or decreases in conversion rates over time to identify any correlations between SEO success and improved business results.

By monitoring these metrics, you can better understand the effectiveness of your low-hanging fruit keyword optimization efforts and make adjustments as needed.


This article discussed how to identify low-hanging fruit keywords and implement an SEO strategy to help you rank higher in search engine results pages.

We also looked at how to track and measure the success of your keyword optimization efforts by using metrics and tools such as Google Analytics, SERP Trackers, and Link Building Tools.

By following these steps, you can effectively identify and optimize for low-hanging fruit keywords to drive more organic search traffic to your website.

So what are you waiting for? Get started today and start optimizing for low-hanging fruit keywords to drive more organic search traffic to your website. Good luck!

However, keep in mind that SEO is a long-term strategy, and you should continue improving to ensure sustained success. With the right approach, you can be sure to see results in no time. Best of luck!

Additional resources to check out:

1. Neil Patel’s How to Double Your Traffic by Finding the Low-Hanging Fruit in Your Blog Archives – This comprehensive guide explains low-hanging fruit keywords and how they can help your SEO efforts.

2. Ahrefs’ Guide on How to Find Low-Competition Keywords for SEO – This guide offers advice on identifying profitable low- Competition keywords for your SEO efforts.

By reading these resources, you can better understand low-hanging fruit SEO and how it can help you rank higher in search engine results pages. Good luck!

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